I've been drawing people kind enough to pose for me for about five hours with breaks in between. I have a show scheduled at the Vancouver Public Library first two weeks of august. Any artist can apply for this -- it's not even juried, but it's good exposure and the downtown library is a spectacular venue for anything. The paintings below are works in progress with backgrounds to be decided. I will probably choose something altar piece like but only time will tell. I've been known to paint over paintings.

This painting has a history. Underneath is a painting of an abstract blue wave structure. Underneath that is Rosalind Franklin (DNA scientist) holding a cat .... here's a picture of this lost painting:

Now that I look at it, it wasn't too bad, but I wasn't happy with her face. With just a black&white fuzzy photo reference, there wasn't much I could do to liven it up. I decided to abandon the concept altogether and paint the angel Gabriel instead. Initially, I thought about Fr. Christopher with his curly hair and beard. Then I found out he had a shave & haircut! So much for a traditional looking Gabriel! I then had to go modern. Fortunately, Abby generously volunteered Aaron to pose kneeling for five hours...

Gregory was model number two. He was infinitely patient with me as I changed his left hand several times. I told people to come as they were. Gregory came in a grey t-shirt and beige chinos. Gregory is the Archangel Michael holding a sword (in this case, Peter's old Akido Japanese wooden practice sword). Gabe contrasted his carrot red hair with a kermit the frog green sweatshirt. Gabe is so naturally vivid that any pose would have worked, but I eventually chose this meditative pose. Gabe is John the Baptist.
these are so beautiful judy! such a talent.
i'd like to see one of josh battling evil with his light-saber, but i suppose getting him to pose for a few hours is outside the bounds of possibility?
Ok, Thomasw, can't do a painting, but I do have a great shot of an epic toddler/preschool lightsabre battle...I'll post it now in fact.
-- Judy
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